Dårlig dialog?!#!!º"@?
Roger: "Now you listen to me, I'm an advertising man, not a red herring. I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me, and I don't intend to disappoint them all by getting myself "slightly" killed."
Roger: "I may go back to hating you. It was more fun."
Roger "In the world of advertising, there's no such thing as a lie. There's only expedient exaggeration."
Eve: It's going to be a long night.
Roger: True.
Eve: And I don't particularly like the book I've started.
Roger: Ah.
Eve: You know what I mean?
Roger: Ah, let me think... Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
Roger: What's wrong with men like me?
Eve: They don't believe in marriage.
Roger: I've been married twice.
Eve: See what I mean?
Roger: "I didn't realize you were an art collector. I thought you just collected corpses."
Vandamm: "Has anyone ever told you that you overplay your various roles rather severely, Mr. Kaplan?"
Roger: "Apparently the only performance that will satisfy you is when I play dead."
Vandamm: "Your very next role, and you'll be quite convincing, I assure you."
Roger: "You're police, aren't you? Or is it FBI?"
Intelligence Man: "FBI, CIA, ONI... We're all in the same alphabet soup."
Intelligende Man: "If I thought there was any chance of changing your mind, I'd talk about Miss Kendall, of whom you so obviously disapprove."
Roger: "Yes, for using sex like some people use a flyswatter."
hmm, korn... ved du ikke at man altid skal bruge søde og bløde ord... for man kommer måske til at skulle æde dem i sig igen.
Roger: "I may go back to hating you. It was more fun."
Roger "In the world of advertising, there's no such thing as a lie. There's only expedient exaggeration."
Eve: It's going to be a long night.
Roger: True.
Eve: And I don't particularly like the book I've started.
Roger: Ah.
Eve: You know what I mean?
Roger: Ah, let me think... Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
Roger: What's wrong with men like me?
Eve: They don't believe in marriage.
Roger: I've been married twice.
Eve: See what I mean?
Roger: "I didn't realize you were an art collector. I thought you just collected corpses."
Vandamm: "Has anyone ever told you that you overplay your various roles rather severely, Mr. Kaplan?"
Roger: "Apparently the only performance that will satisfy you is when I play dead."
Vandamm: "Your very next role, and you'll be quite convincing, I assure you."
Roger: "You're police, aren't you? Or is it FBI?"
Intelligence Man: "FBI, CIA, ONI... We're all in the same alphabet soup."
Intelligende Man: "If I thought there was any chance of changing your mind, I'd talk about Miss Kendall, of whom you so obviously disapprove."
Roger: "Yes, for using sex like some people use a flyswatter."
hmm, korn... ved du ikke at man altid skal bruge søde og bløde ord... for man kommer måske til at skulle æde dem i sig igen.