
I will tell you a few things about my self.
Who am i? (no, not the sucky movie with Jackie Chan) No My Real name
is Jacob. Why do i like movies?
Well, i believe that you can learn something from films, and they inspire you. But most of all its a pleasure.
What about in the Movie - theaters?
Well, i love going to the movies. Look ad the big screen. feel the Surround sound.. and enjoy a big popcorn and a Huge Fanta.. Yeah..
- (Directors)
Tim Burton.
Guillermo Del Toro
Christopher Nolan.
Sam Raimi.
- (Actors)
Christian Bale.
Edward Norton.
Johnny Depp.
Colin Ferrall
Læs mere og se min top 20.. ved godt den er lidt for sig selv :).
Alle filmene i min top 20 ejer jeg. Jeg har også opgivet et par få film af dem jeg ejer.
Ikke nogle af dem har mega stor værdig for mig udover Tim Burtons film er utrolige.
Who am i? (no, not the sucky movie with Jackie Chan) No My Real name
is Jacob. Why do i like movies?
Well, i believe that you can learn something from films, and they inspire you. But most of all its a pleasure.
What about in the Movie - theaters?
Well, i love going to the movies. Look ad the big screen. feel the Surround sound.. and enjoy a big popcorn and a Huge Fanta.. Yeah..
- (Directors)
Tim Burton.
Guillermo Del Toro
Christopher Nolan.
Sam Raimi.
- (Actors)
Christian Bale.
Edward Norton.
Johnny Depp.
Colin Ferrall
Læs mere og se min top 20.. ved godt den er lidt for sig selv :).
Alle filmene i min top 20 ejer jeg. Jeg har også opgivet et par få film af dem jeg ejer.
Ikke nogle af dem har mega stor værdig for mig udover Tim Burtons film er utrolige.