
Film jeg har set, der ikke er oprettet på scope endnu.
Wendy and Lucy: ******
Incendiary: ****--
Penelope: ****--
The Jane Austen Book Club: ****--
The Air I Breath: ***---
WindChill: ***½--
My Blueberry Nights: ***---
Deception: ***---
The Grudge 3: **----
Mama's Boy: **½---
Nobel Son: **----
Starter For 10: ****--
Catch and Release: ***---
The Flock: ***½--
The Sin Eater: **----
Black Christmas: **----
Love Comes Softly: *****-
Irresistible: ****--
Aktion Panda: ***---
She's Too Young: ***---
Love & Sex: ***---
Strip Search: *-----
Snowglobe: **----
North: ***---
Kate Winslet
Emily Blunt
Michelle Williams
Keira Knightley
Cate Blanchett
Abbie Cornish
Claire Danes
Charlize Theron
Anne Hathaway
Meryl Streep
Heath Ledger
Emile Hrisch
James McAvoy
Ryan Phillippe
Jake Gyllenhaal
Colin Farrel
Wendy and Lucy: ******
Incendiary: ****--
Penelope: ****--
The Jane Austen Book Club: ****--
The Air I Breath: ***---
WindChill: ***½--
My Blueberry Nights: ***---
Deception: ***---
The Grudge 3: **----
Mama's Boy: **½---
Nobel Son: **----
Starter For 10: ****--
Catch and Release: ***---
The Flock: ***½--
The Sin Eater: **----
Black Christmas: **----
Love Comes Softly: *****-
Irresistible: ****--
Aktion Panda: ***---
She's Too Young: ***---
Love & Sex: ***---
Strip Search: *-----
Snowglobe: **----
North: ***---
Kate Winslet
Emily Blunt
Michelle Williams
Keira Knightley
Cate Blanchett
Abbie Cornish
Claire Danes
Charlize Theron
Anne Hathaway
Meryl Streep
Heath Ledger
Emile Hrisch
James McAvoy
Ryan Phillippe
Jake Gyllenhaal
Colin Farrel