True Ogre

Lige så længe jeg kan huske, har én af de absolut største kilder til fornøjelse og interesse været at finde i de bevægende billeder på hjemmets tv-skærm. Udsprunget af dette er min kolossale filminteresse, der har rødder helt tilbage fra 3-4 års alderen. Ens præferencer, vurderingskriterier og slet og ret "smag" udvikles jo med tiden, hvilket jeg selv mærker tydeligt, kigger jeg blot ca. 6 år tilbage. Selvom jeg fortsat bruger en betydelig del af mit fritidsliv på film, har jeg slet ikke den samme tid til at udleve interessen, som jeg havde nogle år tilbage.
Jeg går også højt op i at uddele en karakter til de film jeg ser, og benytter hyppigt Scope's stemmefunktion. Jeg har afgivet en stemme til alle de film, som jeg har set og kan vurdere, og der bliver jævnligt tilføjet flere. Jeg uddeler sjældent 1, 5 og 6 stjerner, da jeg ikke ofte imponeres eller frastødes i sådanne grader. Det skal lige tilføjes, at der måske er en del af mine ældste stemmeafgivelser, der ikke afspejler min holdning til de pågældende film helt korrekt, eftersom der er gået mange år siden jeg sidst så dem, og min mening siden har ændret sig.
Øvrige oplysninger og interesser:
Jeg er 21 år gammel, er født og opvokset i Aalborg, hvor jeg på nuværende tidspunkt studerer på Aalborg Universitet. Jeg blev student i 2015 fra Aalborghus Gymnasium.
Udover at se film nyder jeg også at lytte til musik, at gå lange ture, at løbetræne og selvfølgelig den okkasionelle bytur! Ydermere er jeg en ivrig "thrill-seeker", og opsøger altid et adrenalin-kick, når muligheden byder sig. Inden for dette er jeg helt særligt optaget af verdens rutschebaner, og min store passion er at rejse til udlandet for at opsøge disse.
Film jeg har set og vurderet, som ikke findes i Scope's database.:
Homeward Bound (Den Fantastiske Hjemrejse): *****
Catacombs: ***
The Final Conflict (Omen III): ***
The Calling: **
Mikey: ****
Nøddebo Præstegaard (1934): ***
Jesus of Nazareth (Mini-serie fra 1977): ****
Maniac Cop: ****
They Nest: ***
3.a.m: ***
Fear dot Com: **
Lady of Burlesque: ***
Howling III: *****
Caught: ***
The Contractor: **
Love, Cheat and Steal: ****
Holy Money: **
The Lodger: ***
P2: ****
D.E.B.S: *
Flight 93: ****
Unknown: ***
Foolproof: ***
Anamorph: **
Housebound: ***
One Man's Hero: **
Á l'intérieur: ****
Donkey Punch: **
Rails & Ties: ***
Five Fingers (The Game of Terror): ****
Nine Dead: ***
A Streetcar Named Desire (1984): **
Return To Me: ***
One Last Thing: **
Rouge: ****
Air Panic: **
Decoys: ****
I Could Never Be Your Woman: **
I Think I Love My Wife: ***
Shadow of Doubt: ****
Seconds To Spare: *
The Last Seduction: **
Stan Helsing: ****
Butterfly on a Wheel: ****
Once Upon A Crime: ****
Adrift (Open Water 2): ****
Just Desserts: ***
Cold Heart: **
Letters From A Killer: ***
Waitress: ***
Basilisk: The Serpent King: ***
Catch & Release: **
The Flock: ****
Sex and Death 101: ****
Fled: ****
Lost Junction: ****
Beverly Hills Ninja: **
Submerged (TV-film med Sam Neill): **
Finder's Fee: ****
Brokedown Palace: ****
The Breed: ****
The Glass House: ****
Black Water: ****
Swimfan: ***
Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus: *
Heartburn: **
Shergar: ***
The Alternate: *
Urban Legends: Bloody Mary: ***
Turistas: ****
Diabolique: ***
The Fourth Angel: **
The Gravedancers: ***
Phantoms: ***
The Prophecy: ****
Die: **
Kill the Irishman: ***
Near Dark: ****
Black Christmas (1974): ***
Burglar: ***
Lake Placid: ****
Idle Hands: ****
Imagine Me & You: ***
Disturbing Behavior: ****
Lifeforce: ****
The Crush: ****
Maximum Overdrive: ****
The Air I Breathe: ****
Wind Chill: ****
Scar: *
White Man's Burden: ****
The Assignment: ****
Darkman 2: The Return of Durant: ***
A Perfect Getaway: ****
The Mangler: ***
Faces In The Crowd: ****
While She Was Out: ***
Brainscan: ****
Venom: ****
Shocker: ****
Prelude To A Kiss: ***
Tentacles: ****
The Last Shark (The Last Jaws): **
Trick 'r Treat: ***
The Puppet Masters: ****
Two Evil Eyes: ***
ATM: ***
American Yakuza: ***
The Serpent and the Rainbow: ****
My Sister's Keeper: ***
Bølle-Bob (1998): ****
Fire In The Sky: *****
Hear No Evil: **
Best Laid Plans: ****
Cat's Eye: *****
All The Boys Love Mandy Lane: ****
When Will I Be Loved: **
The Collector: ****
The Hills Run Red: **
The Time Traveler's Wife: ****
Thick As Thieves: ***
Echelon Conspiracy: ***
Double Team: ****
Altered: **
Deadfall (2012): ****
Europa Report: *
Feast Of Love: ***
Would You Rather: ****
The Man From Earth: *****
Alice, Sweet Alice: ****
Dolls: ****
Prom Night (1980): ***
The Last Supper: ****
Lawman: ***
Compliance: ****
Powder Blue: ****
Alligator: ****
Gone: ****
The War: ***
Safety Not Guaranteed: ****
Trouble With The Curve: ****
La Casa Muda (The Silent House): ***
The Apparition: ***
The Ledge: ****
Magic Magic: ***
House (1986): ****
We Are What We Are: ****
Armored: ****
The Brass Teapot: ***
The Chamber: ****
The Thaw (Arctic Outbreak): ***
Silent Night: **
Phantom: ***
The Bird With The Crystal Plumage: ***
The Entity: ****
Magic (1978): ****
Resolution: ***
Evidence: ***
Getaway: ***
Phenomena: ****
The Cat O' Nine Tails: ***
The Last Days On Mars: ****
Closed Circuit: ****
Streets Of Fire: ***
Tenebrae: ***
Obsession (1976): **
The Grapes Of Wrath: ***
Backwoods: ***
The Midnight Meat Train: ****
Man About Town: ***
Emmett's Mark: ****
If Only: **
Pathology: ****
Leviathan: ****
The Tournament: ***
Hush (2008): ***
Hit And Run: ***
Tenderness: ***
Switchback: *****
Reasonable Doubt: ****
A Lonely Place To Die: ****
Red (2008): ****
Employee Of The Month (2006): ****
Stake Land: ****
In The Electric Mist: ****
Rollercoaster: ****
The Fourth Kind: ****
The Man From Elysian Fields: ****
City Of Ghosts: ****
As Good As Dead: ****
A Little Trip To Heaven: ****
A Dark Truth (The Truth): **
Haven: ***
Mutant Chronicles: ***
Timber Falls: ****
Chaos Theory: ***
The Killing Room: ****
The Quiet: ***
All Good Things: ****
Night Crossing: ***
Killshot: ****
The Spectacular Now: ****
Nemesis Game: *****
The 24th Day: ****
Relative Strangers: ***
The Burrowers: ****
Dead Man's Shoes: ***
Slackers: ***
The Return: ****
Stander: ****
Good Luck Chuck: ***
Franklyn: ****
Waking Up In Reno: ***
Boot Camp: ***
The Clan Of The Cave Bear: ***
Kill Theory: ****
The Lucky Ones: *****
Black Rainbow: ***
Betrayed (1988): ****
Tracker: ****
Short Time: *****
Where The Money Is: ****
Big Stan: ****
The Gray Man: ***
Breast Men: ****
Choke: ***
The Cars That Ate Paris: ***
Loser: ****
...And Justice For All: ****
Full Of It: ***
Highwaymen: ***
Twenty Bucks: ****
Blind Horizon: ****
Blow Dry: ***
Coherence: ****
Puncture: ****
The Oranges: ****
Dolan's Cadillac: ****
About Adam: ****
360: ***
Los Cronocrímenes: *****
Delirious: ***
An Amercan Crime: *****
The Cottage: ****
The Importance Of Being Earnest: ***
Dark Matter: ***
The Order (The Sin Eater): **
Fragments (Winged Creatures): ***
Game 6: ***
They: ****
Grabbers: ***
Friends With Kids: ****
The Rover: ***
Powder: ****
Mindscape: ****
Ride Along: ***
The Sacrament: ****
The Amityville Horror (1979): ***
Happy Christmas: ***
Personal Effects: ***
The Truth About Charlie: **
Carriers: *****
Oculus: ****
The Savages: ****
Red Hill: ****
The Reef: ****
The First Time (2012): ****
Most Wanted: ***
Too Big To Fail: ***
Castle Freak: ****
The Ref: ****
A Long Way Down: ****
Young Ones: ***
Bad Ass: ***
Flashbacks Of A Fool: ****
The Answer Man (Arlen Faber): ****
Not Safe For Work: ****
Sorority Row (2009): ***
Tammy: **
Kill Your Darlings: ****
G.B.F.: ***
Open Grave: ****
Devil's Due: ***
Walk Of Shame: ***
Proteus (1995): **
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976): ***
The Taking Of Deborah Logan: ***
Bandslam: ***
Blue Ruin: ****
I Origins: ****
Two Night Stand: ****
Ain't Them Bodies Saints: ***
Blind Dating: ***
Assault On Wall Street: ****
White Mile: ***
The ABC's Of Death: ***
Buried Alive (1990): ****
The Truth About Emanuel: ***
Stitches: ****
These Final Hours: ****
Killer Klowns From Outer Space: ****
Exists: ****
The Walker: ****
Frontera: ****
Barefoot: ****
The Caller: ****
Casino Jack: ***
First Snow: ****
Obvious Child: ***
No One Lives: ***
The Longest Week: ***
Starry Eyes: ****
The Railway Man: ****
The November Man: ****
Outcast: **
Husk: **
Everybody's Fine: ****
Calvary: ****
Sweetwater: ****
The Getaway (1972): ****
Page Eight: ****
Dying Of The Light: ***
Without Warning (1980): ****
Extremities: ****
Money For Nothing: ****
House Of Games: ****
The Moth Diaries: ***
Dread: ***
Smokey And The Bandit: ***
King Of California: ****
God's Pocket: ****
The Cellar (1989): **
A Single Shot: ****
The Deaths Of Ian Stone: ***
Saint John Of Las Vegas: ***
Afterwards: ****
Grandma's Boy: ****
The Condemned: ****
In The Land Of Women: ****
Lesbian Vampire Killers: ***
Shiner: ****
Loosies: ****
Desert Saints: ****
Space Station 76: ***
The Babysitters: ***
The Philadelphia Experiment: ****
Give 'Em Hell, Malone: **
Meet Bill: ****
The Badge: ****
Undertow: ****
Asylum (2005): ***
The Last Days Of Disco: ****
Demonic: ***
Jessabelle: ****
Post Grad: ***
The Art Of Getting By: ****
Feeling Minnesota: ***
Celda 211: ****
Rare Birds: ***
Repo! The Genetic Opera: **
Run Ronnie Run: ****
Ruthless People: ****
School For Scoundrels: ****
The Angriest Man In Brooklyn: ***
The Terror (1963): **
7eventy 5ive: ***
Next Stop Wonderland: ***
Cool Runnings: ****
Pig Hunt: ***
The Devil's Double: ****
Blood Creek (Town Creek): ***
The Beast Of War: ****
The One I Love: ****
Dreamscape: ****
Over Her Dead Body: ***
Eaten Alive (1977): ****
Miami Blues: ****
Playing God: ***
The Wackness: ****
Four Flies On Grey Velvet: ***
The Pyramid: ***
The Good Guy: ***
Power (1986): ****
Son Of A Gun: ****
The Jack Bull: ****
The Cincinnati Kid: ***
Twelve: ***
Wish You Were Here: ****
From Beyond: ****
Crazy On The Outside: ****
Beautiful Boy: *****
Dead Heat (2002): ****
Poolhall Junkies: ****
The Third Wheel: ***
Riding The Bullet: ***
Trainwreck: My Life As An Idiot: ****
Route 666: ***
Miss March: ***
Amusement: ****
Salvation Boulevard: ***
Quicksand (2003): ***
Out Of The Dark (2014): ***
Firelight: ****
Vertige (High Lane): ****
Big Nothing: ****
Just Buried: ***
Perfect Creature: ***
Tadpole: ****
Swimming With Sharks: ***
Big Fan: ****
100 Girls: ****
Splinter: ***
Primer: **
Best In Show: ***
The River King: ****
Blood And Chocolate: ***
Clue (1985): ****
The Forger: ***
Clown (2014): ****
It's A Boy Girl Thing: ***
Paperback Hero: ***
Bookies: ***
Detachment: ****
The Lazarus Effect: ***
Cut Bank: ****
A Field In England: **
A Good Old-Fashioned Orgy: ****
Before I Go To Sleep: ****
Trade: ****
Wedlock: ***
Willard (2003): ****
Blue Sunshine: ***
Ghosts Of Mississippi: ****
Cake (2014): ****
Mercy (2014): ***
Survivor (2015): ***
Haunt: ***
The Son Of No One: ****
Love And Other Disasters: ***
Beyond The Reach: ****
Extinction (2015): ***
Manglehorn: ****
Boulevard: ****
Bunraku: *
The Best Offer (La Migliore Offerta): ****
The Grand Seduction: ****
The Face Of Love: ****
Zulu (2013): ***
Last Knights: ****
Racing Hearts: ****
Horns: ****
The Heart Of Me: **
Wedding Daze: ****
Grace Is Gone: ****
College: ***
Restraint: ****
Thursday: ****
Guy X: ***
Griffin & Phoenix: ****
The Babymakers: ***
Middle Men: ****
The Good Thief: ****
The Jigsaw Man: **
Home Sweet Hell: ****
The River (1984): ****
Drop Dead Sexy: ***
Intersections: ***
Nobody's Baby: ****
Akeelah And The Bee: ***
The Hillside Strangler: ***
Elvis Has Left The Building: ***
Journey To The End Of The Night: ****
Three O'Clock High: ****
The Stickup: ****
Spring: ***
Song One: ***
Backcountry: ****
Circle (2015): ****
Boat Trip: **
TiMER: ****
Meeting Evil: **
To End All Wars: ***
Deadly Blessing: ****
Class Of 1984: ****
Creep (2014): *****
Cheap Thrills: ****
Visions: ***
Before We Go: ****
Dutch: ***
Captivity: ***
Prime Cut: ****
Winter Passing (2005): ***
The Diabolical: *
Felon: ****
The Pill: ***
Stonehearst Asylum (Eliza Graves): ****
October Gale: ***
Hidden (2015): ****
Unfriended (Cybernatural): ***
Like Dandelion Dust: ****
Jeremiah Johnson: ***
Experimenter: ****
Puccini For Beginners: ***
Suburban Girl: ***
The Ward: ***
Felony: ****
Return To Sender (2015): ***
Midway: **
Chill Factor: ****
Targets (1968): ****
Tommy Boy: ****
The Fourth Protocol: ****
Bus 657 (Heist): ***
Stand Up Guys: ***
Fathers & Daughters: ****
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard: ****
Colonia: ****
People Places Things: ***
12 Rounds: ***
Day Of The Animals: ***
Masters Of The Universe: ***
La Casa Del Fin De Los Tiempos: ***
10 (1979): ***
Criminal (2016): ***
Life (2015): ***
Abandon: ***
Grandma (2015): ****
Tourist Trap: ****
The 33: ****
Adam (2009): ****
Cell: **
The Whole Truth: ****
Queen Of The Desert: **
The Trust: ****
Hard Times (1975): ****
Forsaken: ****
Madigan: ***
The Infiltrator: ****
Life On The Line: ***
The Adderall Diaries: ***
Mechanic: Resurrection: ***
Zipper: ****
The Hollow Point: ***
Hands Of Stone: ***
The Witch: ****
Daughter Of God (Exposed): **
The Invitation: *****
Bone Tomahawk: ****
The Autopsy Of Jane Doe: ****
Ouija: Origin Of Evil: ****
Shrooms: **
The Good Neighbor: ****
Leatherface: **
The Cloverfield Paradox: ****
When We First Met: ***'
Soylent Green: ****
4th Man Out: ***
Kyss mig: ***
Only The Brave: ****
Super Dark Times: ****
Stronger: ****
Creep 2: ****
Hush (2016): ****
Two Lovers: ****
Pocket Ninjas: ***
Terminal Invasion: ***
The 4th Floor: *****
Awake: ****
Hoodlum: ***
Hush (1998): ****
Haunted Forest: *
Session 9: ****
Stir of Echoes: ****
Stir of Echoes II: The Homecoming: ****
Stage Fright - Aquarius: ***
I Dreamed of Africa: ***
The Oxford Murders: ***
Beyond Loch Ness: ***
Horsemen: ****
Bless The Child: ****
The Guilty: ****
The Good Son: ****
Out of Season: ***
Quid Pro Quo: ****
Moonwalker: *
The Car: ****
The Last Time: ****
Creepshow 3: *****
Dark Harbor: ***
Vacancy 2: The First Cut: ***
Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever: ***
Instant Message (Christmas in Boston): *****
Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering: ***
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror: ***
Jeg går også højt op i at uddele en karakter til de film jeg ser, og benytter hyppigt Scope's stemmefunktion. Jeg har afgivet en stemme til alle de film, som jeg har set og kan vurdere, og der bliver jævnligt tilføjet flere. Jeg uddeler sjældent 1, 5 og 6 stjerner, da jeg ikke ofte imponeres eller frastødes i sådanne grader. Det skal lige tilføjes, at der måske er en del af mine ældste stemmeafgivelser, der ikke afspejler min holdning til de pågældende film helt korrekt, eftersom der er gået mange år siden jeg sidst så dem, og min mening siden har ændret sig.
Øvrige oplysninger og interesser:
Jeg er 21 år gammel, er født og opvokset i Aalborg, hvor jeg på nuværende tidspunkt studerer på Aalborg Universitet. Jeg blev student i 2015 fra Aalborghus Gymnasium.
Udover at se film nyder jeg også at lytte til musik, at gå lange ture, at løbetræne og selvfølgelig den okkasionelle bytur! Ydermere er jeg en ivrig "thrill-seeker", og opsøger altid et adrenalin-kick, når muligheden byder sig. Inden for dette er jeg helt særligt optaget af verdens rutschebaner, og min store passion er at rejse til udlandet for at opsøge disse.
Film jeg har set og vurderet, som ikke findes i Scope's database.:
Homeward Bound (Den Fantastiske Hjemrejse): *****
Catacombs: ***
The Final Conflict (Omen III): ***
The Calling: **
Mikey: ****
Nøddebo Præstegaard (1934): ***
Jesus of Nazareth (Mini-serie fra 1977): ****
Maniac Cop: ****
They Nest: ***
3.a.m: ***
Fear dot Com: **
Lady of Burlesque: ***
Howling III: *****
Caught: ***
The Contractor: **
Love, Cheat and Steal: ****
Holy Money: **
The Lodger: ***
P2: ****
D.E.B.S: *
Flight 93: ****
Unknown: ***
Foolproof: ***
Anamorph: **
Housebound: ***
One Man's Hero: **
Á l'intérieur: ****
Donkey Punch: **
Rails & Ties: ***
Five Fingers (The Game of Terror): ****
Nine Dead: ***
A Streetcar Named Desire (1984): **
Return To Me: ***
One Last Thing: **
Rouge: ****
Air Panic: **
Decoys: ****
I Could Never Be Your Woman: **
I Think I Love My Wife: ***
Shadow of Doubt: ****
Seconds To Spare: *
The Last Seduction: **
Stan Helsing: ****
Butterfly on a Wheel: ****
Once Upon A Crime: ****
Adrift (Open Water 2): ****
Just Desserts: ***
Cold Heart: **
Letters From A Killer: ***
Waitress: ***
Basilisk: The Serpent King: ***
Catch & Release: **
The Flock: ****
Sex and Death 101: ****
Fled: ****
Lost Junction: ****
Beverly Hills Ninja: **
Submerged (TV-film med Sam Neill): **
Finder's Fee: ****
Brokedown Palace: ****
The Breed: ****
The Glass House: ****
Black Water: ****
Swimfan: ***
Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus: *
Heartburn: **
Shergar: ***
The Alternate: *
Urban Legends: Bloody Mary: ***
Turistas: ****
Diabolique: ***
The Fourth Angel: **
The Gravedancers: ***
Phantoms: ***
The Prophecy: ****
Die: **
Kill the Irishman: ***
Near Dark: ****
Black Christmas (1974): ***
Burglar: ***
Lake Placid: ****
Idle Hands: ****
Imagine Me & You: ***
Disturbing Behavior: ****
Lifeforce: ****
The Crush: ****
Maximum Overdrive: ****
The Air I Breathe: ****
Wind Chill: ****
Scar: *
White Man's Burden: ****
The Assignment: ****
Darkman 2: The Return of Durant: ***
A Perfect Getaway: ****
The Mangler: ***
Faces In The Crowd: ****
While She Was Out: ***
Brainscan: ****
Venom: ****
Shocker: ****
Prelude To A Kiss: ***
Tentacles: ****
The Last Shark (The Last Jaws): **
Trick 'r Treat: ***
The Puppet Masters: ****
Two Evil Eyes: ***
ATM: ***
American Yakuza: ***
The Serpent and the Rainbow: ****
My Sister's Keeper: ***
Bølle-Bob (1998): ****
Fire In The Sky: *****
Hear No Evil: **
Best Laid Plans: ****
Cat's Eye: *****
All The Boys Love Mandy Lane: ****
When Will I Be Loved: **
The Collector: ****
The Hills Run Red: **
The Time Traveler's Wife: ****
Thick As Thieves: ***
Echelon Conspiracy: ***
Double Team: ****
Altered: **
Deadfall (2012): ****
Europa Report: *
Feast Of Love: ***
Would You Rather: ****
The Man From Earth: *****
Alice, Sweet Alice: ****
Dolls: ****
Prom Night (1980): ***
The Last Supper: ****
Lawman: ***
Compliance: ****
Powder Blue: ****
Alligator: ****
Gone: ****
The War: ***
Safety Not Guaranteed: ****
Trouble With The Curve: ****
La Casa Muda (The Silent House): ***
The Apparition: ***
The Ledge: ****
Magic Magic: ***
House (1986): ****
We Are What We Are: ****
Armored: ****
The Brass Teapot: ***
The Chamber: ****
The Thaw (Arctic Outbreak): ***
Silent Night: **
Phantom: ***
The Bird With The Crystal Plumage: ***
The Entity: ****
Magic (1978): ****
Resolution: ***
Evidence: ***
Getaway: ***
Phenomena: ****
The Cat O' Nine Tails: ***
The Last Days On Mars: ****
Closed Circuit: ****
Streets Of Fire: ***
Tenebrae: ***
Obsession (1976): **
The Grapes Of Wrath: ***
Backwoods: ***
The Midnight Meat Train: ****
Man About Town: ***
Emmett's Mark: ****
If Only: **
Pathology: ****
Leviathan: ****
The Tournament: ***
Hush (2008): ***
Hit And Run: ***
Tenderness: ***
Switchback: *****
Reasonable Doubt: ****
A Lonely Place To Die: ****
Red (2008): ****
Employee Of The Month (2006): ****
Stake Land: ****
In The Electric Mist: ****
Rollercoaster: ****
The Fourth Kind: ****
The Man From Elysian Fields: ****
City Of Ghosts: ****
As Good As Dead: ****
A Little Trip To Heaven: ****
A Dark Truth (The Truth): **
Haven: ***
Mutant Chronicles: ***
Timber Falls: ****
Chaos Theory: ***
The Killing Room: ****
The Quiet: ***
All Good Things: ****
Night Crossing: ***
Killshot: ****
The Spectacular Now: ****
Nemesis Game: *****
The 24th Day: ****
Relative Strangers: ***
The Burrowers: ****
Dead Man's Shoes: ***
Slackers: ***
The Return: ****
Stander: ****
Good Luck Chuck: ***
Franklyn: ****
Waking Up In Reno: ***
Boot Camp: ***
The Clan Of The Cave Bear: ***
Kill Theory: ****
The Lucky Ones: *****
Black Rainbow: ***
Betrayed (1988): ****
Tracker: ****
Short Time: *****
Where The Money Is: ****
Big Stan: ****
The Gray Man: ***
Breast Men: ****
Choke: ***
The Cars That Ate Paris: ***
Loser: ****
...And Justice For All: ****
Full Of It: ***
Highwaymen: ***
Twenty Bucks: ****
Blind Horizon: ****
Blow Dry: ***
Coherence: ****
Puncture: ****
The Oranges: ****
Dolan's Cadillac: ****
About Adam: ****
360: ***
Los Cronocrímenes: *****
Delirious: ***
An Amercan Crime: *****
The Cottage: ****
The Importance Of Being Earnest: ***
Dark Matter: ***
The Order (The Sin Eater): **
Fragments (Winged Creatures): ***
Game 6: ***
They: ****
Grabbers: ***
Friends With Kids: ****
The Rover: ***
Powder: ****
Mindscape: ****
Ride Along: ***
The Sacrament: ****
The Amityville Horror (1979): ***
Happy Christmas: ***
Personal Effects: ***
The Truth About Charlie: **
Carriers: *****
Oculus: ****
The Savages: ****
Red Hill: ****
The Reef: ****
The First Time (2012): ****
Most Wanted: ***
Too Big To Fail: ***
Castle Freak: ****
The Ref: ****
A Long Way Down: ****
Young Ones: ***
Bad Ass: ***
Flashbacks Of A Fool: ****
The Answer Man (Arlen Faber): ****
Not Safe For Work: ****
Sorority Row (2009): ***
Tammy: **
Kill Your Darlings: ****
G.B.F.: ***
Open Grave: ****
Devil's Due: ***
Walk Of Shame: ***
Proteus (1995): **
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976): ***
The Taking Of Deborah Logan: ***
Bandslam: ***
Blue Ruin: ****
I Origins: ****
Two Night Stand: ****
Ain't Them Bodies Saints: ***
Blind Dating: ***
Assault On Wall Street: ****
White Mile: ***
The ABC's Of Death: ***
Buried Alive (1990): ****
The Truth About Emanuel: ***
Stitches: ****
These Final Hours: ****
Killer Klowns From Outer Space: ****
Exists: ****
The Walker: ****
Frontera: ****
Barefoot: ****
The Caller: ****
Casino Jack: ***
First Snow: ****
Obvious Child: ***
No One Lives: ***
The Longest Week: ***
Starry Eyes: ****
The Railway Man: ****
The November Man: ****
Outcast: **
Husk: **
Everybody's Fine: ****
Calvary: ****
Sweetwater: ****
The Getaway (1972): ****
Page Eight: ****
Dying Of The Light: ***
Without Warning (1980): ****
Extremities: ****
Money For Nothing: ****
House Of Games: ****
The Moth Diaries: ***
Dread: ***
Smokey And The Bandit: ***
King Of California: ****
God's Pocket: ****
The Cellar (1989): **
A Single Shot: ****
The Deaths Of Ian Stone: ***
Saint John Of Las Vegas: ***
Afterwards: ****
Grandma's Boy: ****
The Condemned: ****
In The Land Of Women: ****
Lesbian Vampire Killers: ***
Shiner: ****
Loosies: ****
Desert Saints: ****
Space Station 76: ***
The Babysitters: ***
The Philadelphia Experiment: ****
Give 'Em Hell, Malone: **
Meet Bill: ****
The Badge: ****
Undertow: ****
Asylum (2005): ***
The Last Days Of Disco: ****
Demonic: ***
Jessabelle: ****
Post Grad: ***
The Art Of Getting By: ****
Feeling Minnesota: ***
Celda 211: ****
Rare Birds: ***
Repo! The Genetic Opera: **
Run Ronnie Run: ****
Ruthless People: ****
School For Scoundrels: ****
The Angriest Man In Brooklyn: ***
The Terror (1963): **
7eventy 5ive: ***
Next Stop Wonderland: ***
Cool Runnings: ****
Pig Hunt: ***
The Devil's Double: ****
Blood Creek (Town Creek): ***
The Beast Of War: ****
The One I Love: ****
Dreamscape: ****
Over Her Dead Body: ***
Eaten Alive (1977): ****
Miami Blues: ****
Playing God: ***
The Wackness: ****
Four Flies On Grey Velvet: ***
The Pyramid: ***
The Good Guy: ***
Power (1986): ****
Son Of A Gun: ****
The Jack Bull: ****
The Cincinnati Kid: ***
Twelve: ***
Wish You Were Here: ****
From Beyond: ****
Crazy On The Outside: ****
Beautiful Boy: *****
Dead Heat (2002): ****
Poolhall Junkies: ****
The Third Wheel: ***
Riding The Bullet: ***
Trainwreck: My Life As An Idiot: ****
Route 666: ***
Miss March: ***
Amusement: ****
Salvation Boulevard: ***
Quicksand (2003): ***
Out Of The Dark (2014): ***
Firelight: ****
Vertige (High Lane): ****
Big Nothing: ****
Just Buried: ***
Perfect Creature: ***
Tadpole: ****
Swimming With Sharks: ***
Big Fan: ****
100 Girls: ****
Splinter: ***
Primer: **
Best In Show: ***
The River King: ****
Blood And Chocolate: ***
Clue (1985): ****
The Forger: ***
Clown (2014): ****
It's A Boy Girl Thing: ***
Paperback Hero: ***
Bookies: ***
Detachment: ****
The Lazarus Effect: ***
Cut Bank: ****
A Field In England: **
A Good Old-Fashioned Orgy: ****
Before I Go To Sleep: ****
Trade: ****
Wedlock: ***
Willard (2003): ****
Blue Sunshine: ***
Ghosts Of Mississippi: ****
Cake (2014): ****
Mercy (2014): ***
Survivor (2015): ***
Haunt: ***
The Son Of No One: ****
Love And Other Disasters: ***
Beyond The Reach: ****
Extinction (2015): ***
Manglehorn: ****
Boulevard: ****
Bunraku: *
The Best Offer (La Migliore Offerta): ****
The Grand Seduction: ****
The Face Of Love: ****
Zulu (2013): ***
Last Knights: ****
Racing Hearts: ****
Horns: ****
The Heart Of Me: **
Wedding Daze: ****
Grace Is Gone: ****
College: ***
Restraint: ****
Thursday: ****
Guy X: ***
Griffin & Phoenix: ****
The Babymakers: ***
Middle Men: ****
The Good Thief: ****
The Jigsaw Man: **
Home Sweet Hell: ****
The River (1984): ****
Drop Dead Sexy: ***
Intersections: ***
Nobody's Baby: ****
Akeelah And The Bee: ***
The Hillside Strangler: ***
Elvis Has Left The Building: ***
Journey To The End Of The Night: ****
Three O'Clock High: ****
The Stickup: ****
Spring: ***
Song One: ***
Backcountry: ****
Circle (2015): ****
Boat Trip: **
TiMER: ****
Meeting Evil: **
To End All Wars: ***
Deadly Blessing: ****
Class Of 1984: ****
Creep (2014): *****
Cheap Thrills: ****
Visions: ***
Before We Go: ****
Dutch: ***
Captivity: ***
Prime Cut: ****
Winter Passing (2005): ***
The Diabolical: *
Felon: ****
The Pill: ***
Stonehearst Asylum (Eliza Graves): ****
October Gale: ***
Hidden (2015): ****
Unfriended (Cybernatural): ***
Like Dandelion Dust: ****
Jeremiah Johnson: ***
Experimenter: ****
Puccini For Beginners: ***
Suburban Girl: ***
The Ward: ***
Felony: ****
Return To Sender (2015): ***
Midway: **
Chill Factor: ****
Targets (1968): ****
Tommy Boy: ****
The Fourth Protocol: ****
Bus 657 (Heist): ***
Stand Up Guys: ***
Fathers & Daughters: ****
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard: ****
Colonia: ****
People Places Things: ***
12 Rounds: ***
Day Of The Animals: ***
Masters Of The Universe: ***
La Casa Del Fin De Los Tiempos: ***
10 (1979): ***
Criminal (2016): ***
Life (2015): ***
Abandon: ***
Grandma (2015): ****
Tourist Trap: ****
The 33: ****
Adam (2009): ****
Cell: **
The Whole Truth: ****
Queen Of The Desert: **
The Trust: ****
Hard Times (1975): ****
Forsaken: ****
Madigan: ***
The Infiltrator: ****
Life On The Line: ***
The Adderall Diaries: ***
Mechanic: Resurrection: ***
Zipper: ****
The Hollow Point: ***
Hands Of Stone: ***
The Witch: ****
Daughter Of God (Exposed): **
The Invitation: *****
Bone Tomahawk: ****
The Autopsy Of Jane Doe: ****
Ouija: Origin Of Evil: ****
Shrooms: **
The Good Neighbor: ****
Leatherface: **
The Cloverfield Paradox: ****
When We First Met: ***'
Soylent Green: ****
4th Man Out: ***
Kyss mig: ***
Only The Brave: ****
Super Dark Times: ****
Stronger: ****
Creep 2: ****
Hush (2016): ****
Two Lovers: ****
Pocket Ninjas: ***
Terminal Invasion: ***
The 4th Floor: *****
Awake: ****
Hoodlum: ***
Hush (1998): ****
Haunted Forest: *
Session 9: ****
Stir of Echoes: ****
Stir of Echoes II: The Homecoming: ****
Stage Fright - Aquarius: ***
I Dreamed of Africa: ***
The Oxford Murders: ***
Beyond Loch Ness: ***
Horsemen: ****
Bless The Child: ****
The Guilty: ****
The Good Son: ****
Out of Season: ***
Quid Pro Quo: ****
Moonwalker: *
The Car: ****
The Last Time: ****
Creepshow 3: *****
Dark Harbor: ***
Vacancy 2: The First Cut: ***
Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever: ***
Instant Message (Christmas in Boston): *****
Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering: ***
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror: ***
- Film
- Titel
- Score